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Man bought apartment on cruise ship because it's cheaper than a home and he can travel world

Man bought apartment on cruise ship because it's cheaper than a home and he can travel world

The onboard room is cheaper than his rent back home - and there's some clear benefits!

While many dream of traveling the world while returning to the comfort of their own home, one man sought a more adventurous lifestyle.

Instead of settling for occasional travels and a home base, Austin Wells decided to take a unique approach.

The 28-year-old decided to combine his love for travel with the comfort of home by purchasing an apartment aboard the MV Narrative, a residential luxury cruise ship built by Storylines.

Wells works remotely for tech giant Meta and so is able to live this flexible lifestyle with plans to set sail across the world for around three-and-a-half years.

Inside the 237 square foot studio is a foldaway bed, pantry, desk and separate shower room - all of which cost him $300,000 (£246,465) for a 12-year lease.

Wells is taking his remote job to the sea to explore the world / CNBC
Wells is taking his remote job to the sea to explore the world / CNBC

In contrast to where Wells is from, in San Diego, California, the average rental price is around $2,500 (£2,053.88) per month.

Therefore, his onboard room will set him back around $2,000 (£1,643.10) per month - saving him $500 (£410.77) on rent alone - and of course, with the added benefit of having a house on water.

The MV Narrative, containing 500 private rooms and apartments, is expected to set sail in 2025 allowing travellers to visit countries including Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Greece and Turkey.

When asked what excited him the most about his decision, Wells explained it was down to him not having to 'upend [his] daily routine in order to go see the world.'

The cruise ship, that's currently in construction, will also be fitted with 20 dining and bar concepts, a microbrewery, a 10,000-book library, movie theatre, three pools, laundry service, gym, an art studio, and an onboard doctor.

The onboard room is cheaper than his rent back in San Diego /Design Pics/Getty
The onboard room is cheaper than his rent back in San Diego /Design Pics/Getty

Wells said: 'My working hours will be shifted towards evenings, nights and very early mornings. But that does open up the ability for me to … maybe see a city midday to afternoon and then start my workday around 6pm or 7pm.

'This is probably the first time ever that there is even the ability to have a standard job and even consider working and living from a floating apartment complex.'

Spending a few years out sea might sound like a long time for people who get a bit homesick. But luckily for Wells, if he wants to visit home, he can rent out his flat or invite friends or family aboard for a month or so.

If you thought this option was expensive however, former flight attendant Meredith Shay opted for the upgraded option; a seventh-floor cabin with a balcony costing a grant total of $562,000 (£452,293) over three years, which works out to around £150k a year!

Featured Image Credit: CNBC/ Design Pics/Getty