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Man shocked as he returns home he'd owned for 30 years to find someone else living there

Man shocked as he returns home he'd owned for 30 years to find someone else living there

His Luton home was sold fraudulently from under his nose and he's spent two years battling it out in court

A man was stunned to find somebody else living in the home he’s owned for 30 years.

New nightmare fuel has been unlocked after Reverend Mike Hall returned home one night after working away to find that his house had been sold to someone else.

Unbeknownst to him, Hall had been away in north Wales while his Luton house was sold in August 2021 for £131,000 ($170,180).

The house was sold while the owner was away for work (Peter Dazeley/Getty)
The house was sold while the owner was away for work (Peter Dazeley/Getty)

Neighbors had alerted Hall to the fact that the lights were on in his house and it seemed like someone was there.

Shocked, the man rushed back to his property where shockingly, he discovered it had been sold without his permission and a new owner was busy carrying out building work.

Talking to the BBC, Hall said: “I tried my key in the front door, it didn't work and a man opened the front door to me - and the shock of seeing the house completely stripped of furniture, everything was out of the property.”

Someone fraudulently sold the house by pretending to be the owner (seksan Mongkhonkhamsao/Getty)
Someone fraudulently sold the house by pretending to be the owner (seksan Mongkhonkhamsao/Getty)

Someone had used a driving license and had set up a bank account in Hall’s name in order to fraudulently sell the home, which Hall had bought in 1990, from under his nose.

There were also phone recordings of a man claiming to be the homeowner and instructing solicitors to sell the house.

Justice was finally done after two years of battling it out in the courts and Hall’s name was reinstated on the title of the house by the Land Registry.

It’s believed that the unlucky person who bought Hall’s house was also compensated by the Land Registry.

Reverend Mike Hall is now dealing with squatters in his house (acilo/Getty)
Reverend Mike Hall is now dealing with squatters in his house (acilo/Getty)

Hall added: “Having gone through a battle in the courts to tell all and sundry that it is my house, that it was sold fraudulently, has now borne fruit.”

However, it looks like his fight isn’t quite over as now he’s dealing with squatters who have moved into the house during the dispute.

Hall revealed to the BBC that he’d visited the property for the first time in two months with a builder to begin making new plans for his home and found that the back window had been broken.

The front door lock had been “punched out”, the lights were on, curtains were closed and the boiler was in use.

It looks like Hall will need to return to court to obtain a Interim Possession Order which will give the police power to arrest the two people living at his house.

Featured Image Credit: Google Maps / Image Source/Getty