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Flight attendant reveals 3 major mistakes you’re making when you book plane tickets

Flight attendant reveals 3 major mistakes you’re making when you book plane tickets

Fixing these three common mistakes will make your airport journey much smoother.

With it already February, summer is soon to roll around the corner, which means holiday time.

To minimise airport hiccups and struggles a flight attendant has shared the three major mistakes travellers make when booking their plane tickets.

Caroline, who posts under the Instagram handle @blondevoyage, posted the video back in 2022, but the video has resurfaced on social media due to millions of people preparing to book holidays for the upcoming summer season.

Travellers should leave 2 hours of transfer time between hauls / @blondevoyage/Instagram
Travellers should leave 2 hours of transfer time between hauls / @blondevoyage/Instagram

According to the Fort Lauderdale flight attendant, the first common mistake people make when booking a trip is not considering the layover time.

She advised to book a minimum of two hours layover time, or three if you're flying internationally, allowing plenty of time to clear customs before boarding for the second haul.

Caroline warned that many third-party providers only leave 30 minutes spare for transfer, which doesn't leave you anywhere with enough time.

'You don’t want to be stressed and rushing from your flight and not make the next flight and then the one after is oversold,' she declared.

Caroline mentioned that a lot of travellers make the mistake of booking their flights for afternoon or evening times.

It sounds easier to wait until later in the day to get down to the airport, but it can actually help you out massively as there is much less chance of delays.

Instead, she recommends travellers book their flight times as early as possible.

Booking earlier flight times will limit any delays / @blondevoyage/Instagram
Booking earlier flight times will limit any delays / @blondevoyage/Instagram

'I know you don’t want to wake up at 3 in the morning to catch a 5 a.m. flight. But I promise you the earlier your flight is, the smoother everything is going to go,' she explained.

Finally, the flight attendant suggested that travellers download the app for whatever airline they're flying with as soon as they book their ticket online.

She claimed that it can make your travel journey much smoother, saying: 'It will help you out so much as you are traveling throughout the airport.'

'You can find out if there are any delays and get information on your connecting flight and which gate it is at. There is just so much information on them,' she concluded.

She also noted that you can just keep the app on your phone for a day, or as long as you need it, then simply delete it once you're done.

'I hope this can make your travel experience a little more seamless,' she concluded on the back of her travel hacks.

Featured Image Credit: @blondevoyage/Instagram