Elon Musk is on course to become the first person to reach a net worth a trillion dollars.
He is already reportedly the richest person on Earth as the tech mogul heads up the likes of Tesla and SpaceX.
It is estimated that Musk will make history as the first ever trillionaire by 2027 and, while he currently has his sights set on forming a human colony on Mars, what other things could Musk buy with his vast wealth?

As a trillionaire, he certainly wouldn’t need to do his shopping in the sale sections.
So here are some things that the entrepreneur could afford.
Over 12 million Cybertrucks
The price of the 2025 Tesla Cybertruck starts at $82,235 so if he wanted to, Musk could afford to purchase 12,160,272 of the electric vehicles.
Wipe student debt
As of June 2024, the total amount that people owe in student debt in the US has reached up to $1.6 trillion.
And okay, Musk might be a little bit shy of that number but as a trillionaire, he’d be able to make a huge dent in the cost owed, almost wiping out the debt owed by students across the country.
Health insurance for half of the country
According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, the average annual cost of health insurance in the US is $7,739 for an individual and $22,221 for a family as of 2021.
The population of the country in that year was around 332 million, meaning that with his trillion dollars, Musk could technically fund the cost of half of the population to receive health insurance for a year.

Put a stop to world hunger
World hunger is something that Musk could make a significant contribution to ending if he spent his trillion on the cause.
On the Oxfam America website, it reads: “Current estimates suggest that as of this year, we need donor governments to invest around $37 billion every year until 2030 to tackle both extreme and chronic hunger.
“Let’s start with extreme hunger. We need about $23 billion just this year to meet the needs of people facing starvation and acute malnutrition.”
End Homelessness in the US
In a report by Scioto Analysis, it was estimated that in order to completely eradicate homelessness in America, it would take a budget of somewhere between $11 billion to $30 billion a year.
With a wealth of a trillion dollars, this means that Musk would have the ability to house every person in the country for up to 90 years.