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Man records horrifying effects after downloading dangerous computer viruses from the dark web

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Man records horrifying effects after downloading dangerous computer viruses from the dark web

Windows was irrecoverable

You wouldn't think of downloading computer viruses for fun... at least most of us wouldn't.

But just to see the extent to which they can destroy your computer, one man tried it out for himself. I.e. he voluntarily downloaded viruses he found on the dark web.

In part 10 of Crypto NWO's series, he started with a virus called SigmaEXE.

The download came with a warning that once installed, Windows would 'no longer be usable', and there would be 'flashing lights and disturbing noises.'

With no hesitation, the YouTuber clicked yes.

Immediately after, his computer screen blurred intensely, with a weird disruptive noise playing. Then, his calculator opened with '666' automatically typed in.

Crypto NWO/YouTube
Crypto NWO/YouTube

He soon found no way for Windows to recover from the virus as task manager had been deleted and even an emergency restart could do nothing to save the computer. It was kaput!

Next up was the Windows Killer virus, which lived up to its name.

Installing it was a sight to make sore eyes, with what could be described as erratic, rapidly flashing patterns coupled with constant beeping and loud disruptive noises - which the YouTuber seemingly found a beat to.

A similar effect was seen in the Andromeda virus, except with trippier music and effects that the YouTuber described as being a 'completely different dimension.'

Crypto NWO commented: 'That was probably the coolest virus effect I've ever seen in my life.'

Then came Bonzi Buddy vs. Poncentran virus showdown.

'The computer is being absolutely bamboozled right now,' he said.

The Poncentran virus took over Windows completely, with flashing colours, disorienting noises and distorted images - even the cursor was overrun.

Markus Spiske/Unsplash
Markus Spiske/Unsplash

But the Bonzi Buddy virus - a purple bear icon with a creepy AI voice - managed to kick the Poncentran virus out and recover the PC.

Meanwhile, the Clutt6.6.6 virus made it clear that it was purely for entertainment, not for any criminal purposes.

But it didn't hold back in its effects.

'My computer is being obliterated right now,' he said.

Crypto NWO claimed his Windows wallpaper was 'screaming at him' with a mix of distorted images and screeching noises, and a madness of geometric shapes.

Things got crazier with upside-down red crosses and the screen spinning around.

'This is what hell probably looks like,' he said.

The last virus, Plutonium, felt a bit more comical when it started playing the Windows Error song on repeat. As much as the YouTuber fought - and found it amusing - the computer was done for.

It seems once any of these viruses is installed, it's game over for Windows.

Remember, definitely don't try this at home - and always keep your anti-virus software up to date!

Featured Image Credit: Crypto NWO/YouTube