You might be shocked to find out that a small spot located in a quiet English town is actually owned by the United States and classified as American soil, signaling an extra twist over 189 years after the Declaration of Independence was signed.
There's no doubt that, despite historical fractions, the United States and Great Britain are incredibly close allies, and relied on their strong bond throughout major political moments in the 20th and 21st centuries.
Despite the approximately 3,200 kilometers (1,988 miles) that separates the two nations though, circumstances enabled a small part of an otherwise quiet English town to come into the control of the United States, and be officially recognized as American soil.

Found in the rural parts of Egham, which is located in Surrey just east of London, you'll be able to transport yourself all the way to America, albeit through the means of a memorial, as reported by Surrey Live.
Built in 1965 and unveiled by Queen Elizabeth II is a memorial of John F. Kennedy following his assassination, and it features an engraving of words spoken at the former president's inaugural address.
As part of the memorial's build process, the Queen gifted the acre of surrounding land to her American close allies, and its location is also significant as it's just a short jaunt from where the Magna Carta - the very foundation of law - was signed in 1215.
And by close we don't mean that you need to hop on the train or drive your car - you can literally walk five minutes around the corner and go almost instantly from the beginnings of government to land that is in all means in America.

You'll find the Kennedy Memorial atop a flight of stone stairs, surrounded by an abundance of other artwork and monuments commemorating democracy, but the Kennedy Memorial in particular has recently been upgraded from Grade II listed status to Registered Park and Garden status.
Mike Leigh, general manager of the memorial, remarked: "It's really exciting to see this landscape gaining national recognition. Landscapes play a significant role in our nation's heritage, enabling our understanding of historic events."
It just so happens that this is a rather unusual monument that transcends space and borders alike.
It would be an interesting experiment to see whether someone born within the confines of the Kennedy Monument's American soil would qualify for President of the United States, as previous candidates have exploited similar loop holes in the past.