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Some of Baba Vanga’s terrifying predictions for 2024 have already come true

Some of Baba Vanga’s terrifying predictions for 2024 have already come true

Despite passing away in the late 90s, Baba Vanga's made some accurate predictions for 2024.

Long-dead mystic Baba Vanga has some pretty bold predictions for what's going to happen in the rest of 2024.

After being blinded in her childhood, Bulgarian Baba Vanga became well-known after making accurate predictions that have continued to propagate long after her death.

Although she passed away in 1996, her legacy has continued to live on.

Some people have been shocked by how accurate these have proven down the years, and 2024 seems no different, with some of her predictions already having come true.

Down the years, her predictions have been shockingly accurate, and 2024 seems no different.


The first that that Baba Vanga predicted this year was an economic crisis - and while there might not be a truly global collapse, this seems fairly accurate with the many economies that are nonetheless struggling.

She also predicted that this year would bring some medical breakthroughs and new treatments.

And this year has been nothing short of that so far, especially following the announcement of a new vaccine against lung cancer being tested is fabulous news on that front. It's being developed in the UK and will make a run of 3,000 vaccines at first.

Another said that we'd be subjected to more weather events of terrifying scale and ferocity - However, with weather as unpredictable as it is each year, it's hard to say if that's an accurate prediction or an unescapable reality.

If you've heard some of her other predictions for this year, don't worry yet - Not everything has proven to be true.

One of these was that there would be a rise in terrorist attacks, something that isn't too easy to prove with empirical data but certainly speaks to how the world feels now from a news perspective.

Of course, like with any mystic, people have their reservations - whether these predictions are actually genuine in the first place.

Paper Boat Creative/ Getty
Paper Boat Creative/ Getty

It's been noted down the years that Baba Vanga left very few written records, such that many of the reported predictions that have come to light since her death are reportedly from word-of-mouth conversations.

Some of her other apparent predictions are more precise and as yet remain unproven this year, less than halfway through.

Whilst there's nothing to show that these predictions aren't real, it's easy to see why they leave people skeptical. Lets just say it still takes a pretty sizeable pinch of salt thrown over the shoulder to believe that she made them all to these levels of detail.

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