Long gone are the days Amazon was just an online book store - it's now basically a one-stop shop for anything and everything you might need.
In fact, did you know you can actually buy a house on the site now? That's right - Amazon sells houses now, albeit they're not exactly brick-and-mortar mansions like you might be imagining.
TikTok user gilgra2023 has been posting about just this - check it out:
The types of structures you can buy on Amazon are called tiny homes, which are part of a growing trend we've been seeing on TikTok in recent months.
These micro-houses offer the chance to live a somewhat simpler life, with really low square footage but all the essentials present and correct, including a compact bathroom and kitchen.
TikToker gilgra2023 has purchased one such home for around $32,000 including tax, and he's done so with an interest-free credit card.
And it looks to be a pretty sweet deal: he said he aims to get around $800 a month in residual income from the home once it's installed on some land that he owns, so it's a fairly safe assumption that he's aiming to rent it out.
That's pretty wild, and given that his 13-acre plot could house plenty of these miniature homes, it's clear that he thinks he might be on to a real money-making scheme (provided there's actually enough demand for the little homes).
From the listing, you can see that the house is 19x20 feet in size, which most people would agree is not very big at all, and there are also smaller sizes available for purchase, to fit different plots.

Needless to say, the idea has sparked conversation in the comments under the post - divided between those keen to copy his moneymaking and those unimpressed by the house.
One commenter puts it from a renter's perspective: "30K for a shed is INSANE", although another is more interested in the true economics: "$30K for the house... how much for setup, electrical, plumbing, permitting??"
That's a testament to the fact that legally renting a place out isn't just as simple as putting a portable tiny home down and being done with it - there's a lot more to be done.
Still, the raw fact is that this will indeed be a premade home bought and delivered through Amazon - that's pretty mind-blowing, and something most of us didn't even realize was possible.
Will this become the newest trend in an already crazy rental market? Only time will tell.