Many have feared that AI will replace their jobs since the explosion of ChatGPT and other machine learning technologies, and one expert has predicted five jobs that are most likely to be impacted.
It's certainly not a new revelation that advancements in technology change the job landscape, but it's arguable that the introduction of AI is the greatest shift seen since the introduction of computers and the wider internet.
Due to the nature of generative technologies, a lot of what will likely be affected is the supposed 'middle man' between the user and the product or information that they're looking for.
While we're (hopefully) still a long way away from any form of robot uprising, this could see a lot of currently essential roles made redundant, causing a lot of anxiety for those who see AI ready to replace them on the horizon.
In an interview with Chief Economist at LinkedIn Karin Kimborough, CNET has indicated the five jobs that they think are most at risk when it comes to AI:
- Bank tellers / travel agents
- Customer service representatives
- Data entry professionals
- Translators
- Writers & marketers
Anyone with any knowledge of what AI can see why these jobs in particular might be at risk, as they unfortunately coincide with many of the strengths of the generative artificial intelligence platform.
For example, bank tellers and travels agents have already been affected by the introduction of the internet, as many people choose to interact with websites or apps for the same service. They still exist, and provide an invaluable service for many, but it's hard to avoid the impending reach of AI - especially when it comes to personalised suggestions and insights.
The same is true for customer service representatives, who we have already seen partially phased out for chatbots. Many customers understandably show their frustrations with the limitations of robotic assistants, but the enhancements to platforms like ChatGPT will definitely impact this in the future.
Translation is a bit of a tricky one, as it's one of AI's biggest strengths but the profession could very much still exist in tandem with technology. We could see translators move exclusively to live human interactions, and there'll arguably always be a space for human interpretation within literature and other creative forms.
Some argue that it won't be a case that AI will 'replace' jobs, but enhance them or simply change them instead. The idealist world proposed by Penn State Professor Ethan Mollick on X envisions that AI will replace the "tedious tasks" that weigh us down in our day-to-day life, leaving us to focus on the creative and unique aspects instead.
It's hard to tell at this point in time which avenue we'll end up going down, but it would certainly be naïve to think that AI and it's many forms are going anywhere in the future.