Artificial intelligence has been used for more entertainment purposes recently, at least on Reddit.
One user has prompted AI art generator Midjourney to create the ‘most attractive man’ in each country.
This is what the AI came up with:
Safe to say, the technology has crafted the peaks of male attractiveness, a defined jaw, muscular build and confident stares.
Each specimen draws inspiration from their countries showcasing their traditional clothing and cultural references.
North Korea
For North Korea, the AI designed a military man with a sharp jawline and a commanding gaze.

Switzerland and Iceland
In Switzerland and Iceland, the AI went for the rugged European look with short-styled hairstyles and stubble.
According to the AI, Iceland’s ‘most attractive’ man is a strong contender for casting in the Viking series - and we expect nothing less.

He’s a bit cleaner cut compared to his American counterpart, who some have commented to look just like Chris Hemsworth (ironically, as he's Australian).
Mexico and the Dominican Republic
Mexico and the Dominican Republic's AI creations stand out for their unique hat choices and some of the most memorable accessories in the bunch.


The UK and the US
The UK’s top man is a dapper guy in a suit, with ginger stubble and styled blonde/ginger hair. He’s got a refined look that could stand for probably any of the countries but it's the Union Jack flags in the background that complete the look.
Elsewhere, the US features a well-groomed young man in a suit, standing in front of the American flag with a vibe that gives of The Flash's Barry Allen.
The AI-generated heartthrobs have sparked a lot of debate online, especially on Reddit.

“Facial hair is required to be good looking, unless you’re North Korean,” one forum user joked in the comments.
A second added: "Don’t forget the chiselled jaw," whilst another added: “Men of Reddit take note: to be attractive you must look concerned, sincere or intense ... ideally all three at once.”
However, not all were impressed by the output of the intelligent technology.
One user pointed out: “Is it just me or the fact they all have very similar head shapes makes them look the same? It's like one man with different hair/beard colors and styles. And skin tone depending on his mood.”