Make sure you know this 'dead iPhone' trick, as it could save you if you're stuck with no battery on your device.
We've all been there in situations where your phone battery is low yet you're stuck nowhere near a charger.
Oftentimes you'll need your phone to get back home, whether its taking public transport or even unlocking your car.
Apple, in thinking ahead as they typically do, have thankfully built in a way for you to access these key things even when your phone reaches zero, so make sure you've set everything up and learnt this trick as you never know when you'll need it.

This trick, detailed in The Sun, is known as 'Power Reserve', and is essentially your iPhone's last bit of juice that it saves specifically for a small number of essential actions.
These actions are tied to your Apple Wallet, and make use of any cards or passes that you have activated with Express Mode.
Express Mode, if you're unaware, allows you to use Apple Wallet items without unlocking your phone, which is especially handy when paying contactless on public transport or unlocking your car via a passkey.
If you have your card activated via Express Mode in your Apple Wallet you'll then be able to use this for a short while after your phone has died - although payments are limited to use on public transport.

This, as mentioned, extends to some car keys that you have saved in your Wallet, which can definitely be handy if you're stood outside your car with no way to get in.
Excessively using this feature will limit the availability of Power Reserve, potentially leaving you without it in the future, so I wouldn't recommend relying on it at all times.
Instead you'll want to simply think of it as a last resort backup that is there when absolutely necessary, but it's good to know you've got a get out of jail free card of sorts in your phone to save you.
Additionally, this feature won't work if you've simply turned your phone off, and it instead needs to reach the point where it's completely drained of battery before the Power Reserve mechanic kicks in.
Pairing this with the handy new charging feature coming to iPhone soon will definitely be a winner, as it'll give you peace of mind to leave the house in an emergency - even if your charge is low.