One passionate TikTok user has urged his followers to stop wearing their Apple Watches, issuing a warning that Apple's smart wearable might actually be dangerous for your health.
The Apple Watch is undeniably one of the tech giant's most successful products as it has absolutely dominated the smart wearable market and is currently on it's tenth generation, despite some notable failures in the past.
They've been proven to let people know when they're about to get sick, and have even helped diagnose rare sleep conditions that would otherwise go unnoticed, but a new lawsuit alleges that they might actually be harmful for your body.

As reported by Capital Law, Apple is currently facing a class action lawsuit that claims there are harmful levels of Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in certain Apple Watch wristbands.
The lawsuit alleges that Apple knowingly sold the devices as health-conscious and environmentally friendly products, while in actuality they contained PFAS that are not only harmful to the environment but also to our own bodies - especially if they're strapped to our skin 24/7.
It also indicates that Apple committed to phasing out PFAS and was aware of the risks associated with the chemicals, stating that they were indeed within some of their products, but have not indicated where they can be found.
The fears and concerns outlined within the lawsuit have then been boosted by TikTok user secretservicesam, who has warned his followers against wearing their Apple Watches due to the 'forever chemicals' present within them.
"Major PSA, Apple is being sued in a class action lawsuit because the Apple Watch wristbands contain forever chemicals," Sam explains, "that are forever in your skin."
He continues, "Everybody is wearing an Apple Watch, kids are, but it contains forever chemicals, and Apple is keeping this pretty quiet, I haven't heard anything."
Of course, there's nothing like a social media PSA to get everybody into a frenzy, and the comments are suitably concerned in response.
"No wonder, I was wondering why I kept getting these rashes," one user writes, whereas another outlined: "Counting steps and calories with my watch for my health [smily emoji] being poisoned by the watch band simultaneously [shocked emoji]."
Others have also expressed their own desire to sign up to the class action lawsuit - especially if they're wearing an Apple Watch as they type out their comment, but contrastingly some express their apathy at the prevalence of these harmful materials in just about everything.
"What DOESN'T have forever chemicals atp," wondered one user, and it's understandable why you'd be frustrated at finding out the dangers of so many things that people use on a daily basis.
Speaking to the Daily Dot, Apple responded: "Apple Watch bands are safe for users to wear. In addition to our own testing, we also work with independent laboratories to conduct rigorous testing and analysis of the materials used in our products, including Apple Watch bands."
UniladTech have reached out to Apple for comment.