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iPhone user warns of mystery stalker tracking activity who was ‘able to see everything’

iPhone user warns of mystery stalker tracking activity who was ‘able to see everything’

The intruder could see what the iPhone user was typing into Google.

Getting hacked is a scary and serious thing.

When someone can see everything you're doing on your device without you even knowing it, what do you do?

One Apple user's friend sought advice when they discovered someone could see everything they were doing on their iPhone - scary!

The Reddit user shared their story with the support community.

They posted: 'Someone is able to see everything my friend is doing on their iPhone. How do we stop this?

'My friend just told me that he is being harassed by someone who is able to see everything they do on their phone.'

According to the post, the intruder could see all activity on the smartphone, including what This person knows what TV shows they are watching on the Netflix app, as well as what they are searching on Google.

One person turned to Reddit when they saw their activity was being tracked / d3sign/Getty
One person turned to Reddit when they saw their activity was being tracked / d3sign/Getty

'I have never come across this before, and I would appreciate any advice to help my friend here if possible?', the distraught user added.

Some respondents believe it could be a friend or family member who has access to the friend's password that's causing the issue.

'Simple as that. They are logged on to the Netflix and Google accounts,' one user wrote.

In addition, the advice-seeking user also received a bunch of support from the social forum.

First things first, one user suggested that the victim change the passwords of all of their accounts, including their iCloud password. Alongside this, the respondent advised them to enable 'Two-Factor Authentication'.

Another user expanded on the first point, warning that it was 'just as important' to never reuse passwords for different digital profiles.

Once one password is compromised, hackers will attempt the same password across multiple accounts which could be very unfortunate for the victim.

Moreover, the affected user should get a password manager to keep all the different passwords in one, secure place.

Apple users are warning to never re-use your passwords /boonchai wedmakawand/Getty
Apple users are warning to never re-use your passwords /boonchai wedmakawand/Getty

Several Reddit users pitched in to recommend Bitwarden as a free and reliable password manager that can 'sync across mobile and desktop.'

To keep an eye on your account details and make sure no one is gaining unwarranted access to your account, you can scroll to the bottom of your iPhone settings. And click on your name at the bottom.

Here, you'll see all the devices that your account is logged into. If you don't recognise one of them, you can essentially click 'Remove from Account' for peace of mind.

Furthermore, one forum user mentioned going into the Settings app, tapping Privacy & Security, selecting Safety Check, and finally tapping Emergency Reset. According to some Apple users, this feature was created for cases like these where account details have been compromised.

'Change all passwords, starting with email and Apple ID. Enable 2FA on all accounts that allow it,' the user explained.

Featured Image Credit: d3sign/boonchai wedmakawand/Getty