Apple could soon need to make the most of its credentials as one of the biggest companies in the world, as a number of piling lawsuits are set to hit the tech giant hard in the pocket. Sure, Apple might make billions each year thanks to churning out new iPhones and other gadgets and gizmos, but when you're threatened with legal action, the costs can soon start to mount.
After being slapped with a £1.5 billion ($1.85 billion) lawsuit in the United Kingdom over claims consumers are being overcharged for using the App Store, Apple is back in the news thanks to more legal worries.
Apple has agreed to settle a $95 million lawsuit over privacy concerns, with Siri apparently eavesdropping on our conversations - see, maybe your dad wasn't so mad when he rambled about our smart devices listening to us.

Over on TikTok, ex-Apple employee Tyler Morgan highlighted how we could each be entitled to a $100 payout from the lawsuit.
According to Morgan, Apple will pay $20 per device you think has been listening without your permission. With each person eligible to claim for five devices, it's a decent $100 that could soon be in your pocket.
The accusations go back to 2014, so if you've had an Apple device since then and 'remember Siri acting weird', you could be entitled to a payout.
Morgan says you'll have to swear under oath, but if eligible, you'll have to sign up through a specific website. Even though the site isn't live yet, it might be worth checking back on his TikTok because he says he'll post the link in his bio when it's up.
He notes that this is only for those based in the USA, so while the App Store lawsuit was good for those in the United Kingdom, this is better for anyone in America.
In terms of why this case was brought forward, Morgan explains that in 2019, it was revealed that Apple employs contractors to listen to Siri recordings of private conversations.
Back then, British newspaper The Guardian alleged that medical appointments, drug transitions, and even *sexual encounters* were being listened to.
Although Apple did say that Siri recordings could be listened to, there was no mention of human involvement.
As an example, two plaintiffs claim they mentioned Air Jordan shoes and then had an advert for the product appear on their iPhones. Someone else says they were bombarded with specific medical ads after mentioning a surgical treatment with their doctor.
Morgan concludes, "Get your family together, agree that you heard some weird sh*t, and get your $100 from Apple."
Apple has proposed a decision date of February 14, with a website being set up within 45 days and a claim needing to be submitted by May 15. Even though that doesn't give you long to claim, $100 should be well worth it.